Texas has a lot of roadways and a lot of people driving them, so it’s not surprising that it has the most fatal crashes in the country, as well as the most fatal large truck collisions. Last year, Texas highways saw 13% of the entire country’s fatal truck crashes. Statistics published last year involving accidents from 2021 show a steady increase in car accidents from year to year, and what’s even more unsettling, is that the fatality rate increased more than 15% from 2020 to 2021, as the death toll was 4,489 for 2021.
Not much has changed in 2025; there are accidents every day in Texas. There were no deathless days in 2021, meaning people die in car accidents in Texas regularly. Accidents occur in both rural areas and urban areas almost equally. Furthermore, in 2021, 1,550 casualties, or 34.5% of all motor vehicle traffic fatalities were single-vehicle accidents in which the driver ran off the road and crashed. Another 1,037 people that year died in car crashes that occurred in, around, or relating to intersection accidents, and 613 died in head-on collision accidents.
The next biggest killer on Texas roadways is distracted driving. Distracted drivers were responsible for 433 deaths in 2021, though there was a 17% decrease in deaths from accidents involving distracted driving from the year prior.
Sadly, 1,077 people lost their lives in 2021 in motor vehicle accidents that were caused by a driver under the influence. This means that DUI drivers were responsible for 24% of the total number of crashes for the entire year in Texas. What’s more, the majority of DUI crashes occurred on Saturday more than any other day of the week, between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 2:59 a.m.
More than 520 motorcycle drivers and riders were killed during 2021 — 45% of them were not wearing helmets.
Those motorists and pedestrians who endure a car crash and walk away should consider themselves extremely lucky that they weren’t another fatality statistic. More than 205,000 individuals who were involved in a motor vehicle crash in 2021 suffered serious injuries at the rate of one person every two minutes and 34 seconds.
Houston has the most car crashes in Texas, the most fatalities, and the most serious injury crashes. The city’s drivers were involved in more than 75,000 accidents in 2022. On average, four deaths occur in Houston car accidents each week, and the most common contributing factor to these accidents is reckless driving, specifically, speeding.
Many accidents are a result of another driver’s negligence, and they sometimes result in death. In these cases, a personal injury attorney can help drivers recover medical bills, loss of wages, and pain and suffering following an accident in which someone else was at fault.
The worth of a claim is defined specifically by the accidents. Because no accident is identical to another, there’s no average settlement amount on personal injury claims or car accident claims. Furthermore, a settlement can be affected by a number of factors including the following:
It’s not difficult to see that a qualified attorney with experience in personal injury car accident claims would be beneficial to anyone seeking justice for this type of injury.
According to state data records, over 634,000 car crashes occurred in 2022, as reported by the Texas Department of Transportation. That is one every 57 seconds, though not all of these are serious or fatal.
Houston accounted for over 75,000 of all Texas accidents last year. Additionally, there were 313 total fatalities, 1,422 serious injuries related to crashes, and 1,304 head-on collisions that resulted in incapacitating injuries in Huston. All these numbers are higher than any other city in the state.
Texas does have a high car accident rate, and the state’s fatal car accidents are the most in the country. This means more people die in car accidents each year than in any other state. One person dies in a car accident in Texas every two hours and 15 minutes. Furthermore, one person is injured in a car accident in Texas about every two minutes.
The high number of car accidents in Texas are caused by speeding drivers, failure to yield, unsafe lane changes, following too closely, and driver inattention. Drivers aged 18 to 34 were most often killed in car crashes, and 43% of all fatal accidents, across all age groups, were not wearing a seat belt.
If you have been involved in an accident that was the fault of another driver, you could be entitled to a settlement to recover your personal losses such as medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost wages.
At Stevenson & Murray Attorneys at Law, we are knowledgeable about personal injury claims from car accidents, bus accidents, motorcycle accidents, truck accidents, and pedestrian accidents, just to name a few. We have proven success stories from countless clients we have helped receive settlement and peace following their personal injury claim on a car accident. The statistics are disconcerting, to say the least, but by filing a claim for your injury, you can help serve justice to Texans who don’t consider others when they break speeding laws or drive under the influence. Contact us today for a consultation to learn more about how we can represent you.
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